Ralph Milo Martin Scholarship

Ralph Milo Martin Scholarship is awarded to a full time student who has strong financial need with a minimum 2.50 GPA. Must increase and maintain GPA to a minimum 3.00 during sophomore year. Preference to resident of La Plata, Archuleta, or San Juan Counties, and comes from a ranching or farming background. Also, preference to a student working towards a degree in biology or environmental studies. Required to have three recommendations explaining students interest in their education and qualities to succeed. Essay must describe parent support of you or lack thereof, justification of your financial need, why a college degree is important to you, and how you will finance your education if no financial aid is received. Award amount varies up to $15,000.

Biology, Foundation
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please describe in an esssay parent support of you or lack thereof, justification of your financial need, why a college degree is important to you, and how you will finance your education if no financial aid is received.
  2. You must include three letters of recommendations explaining your interest in your education and qualities to succeed.
    • Please attach letter of recommendation